Articles-Green with envy
From the inside out! Green means green!
Torontonians should make the rest of the world green with envy! Set the stage! Make sustainable choices and create cutting edge designs! Through and through. Show true colours. Don't sit back. Make the play for green choices!
Be green! A building cannot be green on the outside without being green on the interior. But what does an interior designer really know about green design? It is a common misconception that interior designers do not know about green design—or that an interior designer who knows about green does not know about good design. It is the responsibility of the interior designer for the clients' and resulting building/ home's health and well-being, in addition to environmental sustainability.
Every element of a new room has the potential to be part of a poisonous "toxic soup"—from the off-gasses of carpets to the volatile organic compounds found in paint—meaning that careless interior design can be truly harmful to humans, and especially babies. These and other considerations such as proper humidity levels that prevent dust mites have a profound impact on us as individuals, and an aggregate effect on society.
Say it, and mean green!
Green design and "Eco-remodeling" are being used more and more frequently these days. This is because the thinking they signify that home and office interiors should be designed with resource conservation in mind has itself entered the mainstream.It isn't just professionals in my field who've become more conscious of an environmentally responsible approach to interior design. Many of my clients are now expressing a preference for materials produced in sustainable ways.
The sustainable design section in the Designer Walk Reference Library 168 Bedford, Toronto, offers a wealth of companies committed to this necessary niche in the marketplace! This trend will only widen and accelerate in the coming years, it seems to me. That's a good thing, since the way we live today should obviously not detract from the way our children grand children will live tomorrow.
Live well, design with healthy choices